The map will appear here when the data loads. Zoom and scroll, and the regions should update automatically.


©2022-2023 The Algorithms Guy

The problem: you have a list of cities (or longitude/latitude coordinates) with corresponding values. How do you best colour a map to visualize this data? (In this example, values are simply randomly generated. Click below to regenerate.)

On the one hand, we do not want too many large regions without cities. Conversely, if too many cities or population centres are bunched into a single region, it can skew averages and make the map misleading.

MasonDixon is a geographic engine that combines geospatial, mathematical, and statistical methods to divide maps on the fly. For example, as the user zooms and pans, an algorithm divides the field of view into regions such that there are not too many population centres in a single region.


Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @

Bokeh: Python library for interactive visualization @

GeoPandas: Python tools for geographic data @

Tornado Web Server @

ColorCET: Good Colour Maps by Peter Kovesi @

©2022-2023 The Algorithms Guy